The second of the Quality Improvement Plan 2023 Monitoring Meetings was held with the participation of our University's Institutes, Colleges, and Vocational Schools.
14 September 2023 | 16:08

The 2nd session of the Quality Improvement Plan 2023 Monitoring Meetings, organized for monitoring and evaluating the "Gazi University Quality Improvement Plan" with stakeholder units, was held under the chairmanship of our Vice Rector, Deputy Chairman of the Quality Commission, Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır with the participation of Institutes, Colleges, and Vocational Schools. The meeting was held on 14.09.2023 in the Rectorate Meeting Hall with the participation of our General Secretary Ragıp Akyürek, our University's Institute, College and Vocational School Directors, Quality Commission Members, Quality Coordination and Strategy Development Board Working Group representatives.

In the opening speech of the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Quality Commission, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır reminded that one of the most important aims of the Quality Improvement Plan 2023 Monitoring Meetings, which will be held in seven groups with the participation of all units of our University, is to share the success and exemplary practices in quality studies with other units, and listed examples of good practices conveyed by the Faculties in the first meeting. Stating that Quality Assurance System Good Practice Examples will be compiled to be reflected throughout the Institution, Prof. Dr. Bayındır pointed out that Quality Improvement Plan Monitoring also provides an important opportunity for planning the next period's work. Deputy Chairman of the Quality Commission and Vice-Rector Prof.Dr. Ramazan Bayındır noted that the improvements for 2024 will be prepared by the Quality Commission based on the monitoring results and the GU 2023 Six-Monthly Quality Improvement Plan Realization Presentation, which will be prepared based on the Unit Quality Improvement Plan Monitoring Presentations of the Quality Commission, with the participation of the National and International Advisory Boards and internal and external stakeholders such as the Senate will be evaluated at the meeting under the chairmanship of our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız. 

Deputy Chairman of the Quality Commission Prof. emphasized the importance of units preparing their Unit Improvement Plans and reminded them to share Unit Quality Improvement Plan Monitoring presentations, especially on academic boards. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır stated that sharing it with other stakeholders, such as students and the advisory board, would be useful.

Our Vice Rector, Deputy Chairman of the Quality Commission, Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır concluded his remarks by thanking the academic unit managers for their contributions to maintaining our success in becoming a Fully Accredited Research University and to the continuous improvement of our quality assurance system and gave the floor to the unit managers to deliver their presentations.

The 2nd session of the Quality Improvement Plan 2023 Monitoring Meetings was held with the participation of Informatics Institute Director Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Tüfekçi, Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr. Şaban Çetin, Director of the Institute of Science and Technology, Assoc. Dr. Uğur Gökmen, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Adviye Gülçin Sağdıçoğlu Celep, Director of the College of Foreign Languages, Lect.  Dr. Mustafa Akın Güngör, Director of Vocational School of Health Services, Prof. Dr. Hakan Tekedere, Director of Technical Sciences Vocational School Assoc. Dr. Alpay Özer and TUSAŞ Kazan Vocational School Director Prof. Dr Oğuzhan Yılmaz. After evaluating the improvement activities carried out by our units in the first six months of 2023 within the scope of the Gazi University Quality Improvement Plan, the meeting ended with best wishes.

Quality Improvement Plan Monitoring Meeting held with the participation of our Faculties - Click here




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